Sunday 29 April 2007

Response to Mario Panayi, Bad Comedians

I was a victim of racist bullying when at high school, back then I cryed about it a lot. Many times I thought about how I could change my skin colour to white. Now that I am oldder and more Mature, when people make racist jokes or comments I just egnore them because they are looking for a reaction. They want me to feel hurt but I don't give them the satisfaction by not reacting.

I have two youger sister who are 10 and 7 , I try to teach them the same principle about racit bullying.

All nationality has fair share of good and not so good people, but that is life and PLAIN FACT. Individuals cannot comment that one nationality is more superior or better than another nationality....God sees our heart and not our outward appearance nor looks, or status , so let us learn each day, each of us are special in our own ways, be more tolerant to others and learn from mistakes, as we can look backward in order to live forward and be compassionate and kind.

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