In the UK it will be illegal to possess Animal porn, while in France it is Government sponsored.
The Netherlands is the biggest distributor of animal pornography worldwide. Of an inventory of 1,500 films, over 80% came from Dutch distributors, according to Algemeen Dagblad.Dutch companies buy up cheap films abroad en masse and distribute them via the Internet, according to an anonymous former staff member of a distributor. We control the world market.
The domain names of hundreds of animal pornography sites are also registered in the Netherlands.Films in which men and women have sex with animals are also made in the Netherlands. A company in Nieuwegein, near Utrecht, produces about 20 films a month in a shed, according to the newspaper. The recordings can be watched live via "hundreds of linked websites" on the Internet for 30 euros a month.Last week, Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin announced that the making and distribution of animal pornography is to become a punishable offence. In the Netherlands, sex with animals is currently still legal, as long as the animal is not shown to suffer from it.
Personally I would never consider having sex with animals because I don’t thing its normal. animals shouldn't be sexually abused and exploited for commercial gain: Like child porn, animal porn is a disturbed human behaviour that we must not tolerate because it's causing suffering for animals and we have to protect them.

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