Thursday, 10 May 2007
End of Module questionnaire
Sex? female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)? BA English
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? yes, film studies
If so, how? And if not, why not? when we watched and discussed the style of the film Kids,
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? I found it to be interesting, for example the blogs. I enjoyed learning how to create a blog, post pictures and response to other people.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? I not sure but all the topics were interesting and I learned many things.
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? mass media
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? yes
What did you think of the module team? good
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? no because people don't stop talking, when asked to by the lecture
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? was very interesting and good.
Information and talk from lecturers?
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? yes it was good, we were also given the chance to ask questions.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? yes because I learn a lot
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? yes
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? I am not sure yet
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? yes because i really enjoyed it
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? yes its fun and interesting
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? yes, because a lot more could be said but I did not want to go over the word limit.
What have you learned from the module? i have learn about religion, smoke being surductive, different types of body modification and many more.
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? different types of body modification, and learning about the history of it.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? none
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? it was fun, can all our modules be as interresting as being bad
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Winona Ryder
Winona Ryder was accused of stealing, when approached by the guards she told them that a film director told her to shop lift to prepare for a forthcoming role. It’s apparent that her celebrity status helped her to avoid a prison sentence. Winona was given community service; pay 10,000 in fines and 3 years probation. Winona is a wealth individual who does not need to shoplifting. Winona Ryder had so much to loose such as her acting career, reputation her freedom. So why did she commit this criminal act? May because she was crying out for assessment and treatment.
Why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift?
- For excitement
- For sport
- Peer pressure
- People who suffer from some obscure kind of disease which causes symptoms of a certain kind, which made them addicted to shoplifting.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Response to Mario Panayi, Bad- Cinema- Kids
Mario, you have good reason to despise this film. Kids is an accurate portrayal but of a small minority of kids. The kids in this movie have no guidance and have lost or never gained a code of ethics. I don`t want to ever see the film Kids again; I hate it and it boring when all of the adolescents in the film are sitting down and talking about sex. This is perhaps the darkest portrait of youth culture ever to be captured on film.
Telly and Casper are amoral and are so self absorbed with themselves from the beginning to the end of the film. Telly and Casper don’t change and while the character of Jenny changes, it isn’t for the better.
However, I am not sure if children would benefit from seeing Kids. would it teach children a life lesson and show them the consequences of unsafe sex? and make them realize the world is full of horror despair, despite what they're parents may tell them.
Monday, 7 May 2007
Reponse to Mario Panayi, Beastiality
In the UK it will be illegal to possess Animal porn, while in France it is Government sponsored.
The Netherlands is the biggest distributor of animal pornography worldwide. Of an inventory of 1,500 films, over 80% came from Dutch distributors, according to Algemeen Dagblad.Dutch companies buy up cheap films abroad en masse and distribute them via the Internet, according to an anonymous former staff member of a distributor. We control the world market.
The domain names of hundreds of animal pornography sites are also registered in the Netherlands.Films in which men and women have sex with animals are also made in the Netherlands. A company in Nieuwegein, near Utrecht, produces about 20 films a month in a shed, according to the newspaper. The recordings can be watched live via "hundreds of linked websites" on the Internet for 30 euros a month.Last week, Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin announced that the making and distribution of animal pornography is to become a punishable offence. In the Netherlands, sex with animals is currently still legal, as long as the animal is not shown to suffer from it.
Personally I would never consider having sex with animals because I don’t thing its normal. animals shouldn't be sexually abused and exploited for commercial gain: Like child porn, animal porn is a disturbed human behaviour that we must not tolerate because it's causing suffering for animals and we have to protect them.

Sunday, 6 May 2007
On the one hand, a man was supposed to have uncontrollable sex drives and therefore need a woman for satisfaction. On the other hand, society demanded that he look for a wife who cared nothing about sex. The result was that men saw women as ether ``good`` or ``bad.`` one married a ``good`` woman and had minimal sexual contact with her; one consorted with ``bad`` women in order to enjoy sexual activity.
This division of women into two distinct, non over lapping groups gave implicit permission for men to seek sexual gratification from women outside their social circle and later outside their marriages, at the same time maintaining their image of women friends and wives as pure. Men were expected to have sexual relations apart from marriage, provided that they were discreet. Women were permitted to have and express no sexual craving or pleasure; their sexuality was repressed.
A change in these attitudes has occurred this may be due to religious teachings losing their influence in our life. Another reason for this change has been the shift from the traditional patriarchal family with its stress on family as a group, to the ideal of the egalitarian family, which emphasizes satisfaction of the ego needs of the individual members.
BEN-ZE`EV, A. (2004) Love Online Emotions on the Internet. , Cambridge
University Press
Duberman, L.(1977) Marriage and other alternatives 2nd ed., Praeger publishers.
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Response to Mario Panayi, being to religious
Mario`s friend who is studying religion, said that``In the Bible it states that, it is worse to masturbate than commit Rape; because at least with Rape there is the chance of procreation were as with a man masturbating he is just spilling his seed and their is no possibility of procreation.``
Mario I really think that your friend is mistaken, I would like for him to show me where in the bible it say this. The bible is sometimes misunderstood by people, even me.
Sex is good and right and pure. It was created by a loving, imaginative God for procreation and pleasure.So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.... God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:27, 31.
A man will be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. Genesis 2:24.Rejoice in the wife of your youth! A loving doe, a graceful deer--may her breasts satisfy you at all times, my you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:18-19.Take me away with you--let us hurry!
Let the king bring me into his bed chambers! Song of Songs 1:4.My lover is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies. Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, turn, my lover, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the rugged hills. Song of Songs 2:16-17.
God created sex to be ENJOYED. Sex was intended for pleasure. But (and here is God's limitation) sexual pleasure is always to happen within the proper context: a man and a woman who have committed their lives together in marriage.
THERE IS NO COMMANDMENT in the Bible regarding masturbation, I AM NOT SAYING THAT MASTURBATION IS WRONG. The Bible doesn't say that. In the absence of a clear command from God, we must always be careful of creating condemnation where God never intended it.
Let me state it again, so that I'm not misunderstood: masturbation is not a sin in itself. The Bible doesn't say anything on the issue of masturbation. It only speaks to the sin of improper lust. So wrong desires are the sin, not masturbation.
Therefore, if you are masturbating AND you are lusting after someone that you are not married to, then your masturbation/lust is a sin. Most people that I have spoken to on this issue, masturbate using pornography, images, or imagination to lust after someone who is not their spouse. Jesus called this "missing the mark" (the meaning of one of the Greek words for sin). According to Jesus you are committing a form of adultery. You are involved in something that is unhealthy for you and for those around you. This can have consequences for your eternal body.
Friday, 4 May 2007
In the film Kids there many EXTREME CLOSE-UP, for example the first sex seen. Which showed the girl’s FACE As she screams in total agony during sex..
TELLY ``Virgins. I love 'em. No diseases, no loose as a goose pussy,no skank. No nothin. Just pure pleasure.``
CASPER``You fucked it? Telly laughs
CASPERI ``knew you fucked it! I sat out her for like two hours! That girl was like twelve, and you hit it up!
TELLY, (pounding his chest)Who am I? Who am I? The mothafuckin' virgin surgeon. They both start to laugh.
TELLY ``Hell yeah. That bitch was bleeding. When I first put it in She screamed real loud. I saw her bite down on the pillow.
TELLY``Well it took me longer than I thought it would take. It took Like 15 minutes to talk her into it. But once it was on, we fucked for a good half an hour. I had to keep taking it out and putting it back in. It hurts the first time.But then when she got into it. She really got into it. It was good.
CASPER ``How did she smell? Did her puss stink?
Telly puts his four fingers together and then puts his hand in front of Caper's nose. Take a whiff.
Casper takes a huge whiff, Oh man, it smells like butterscotch
TELLY ``Hell's yeah. She was so clean.
CASPER ``Oh man, that's the best. Let me smell it again. Telly lifts his fingers once again, as Casper breathes in the odor.
CASPER ``That's why virgins are the best. I love that smell.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Simion: "It creeps up very slowly. At the beginning it was good fun and a great way of life. I wanted to be James Bond with his millionaire life style".
And for the next 20 years his life was spent in casinos, at the bookies and on the fruit machines. But the price was extremely high.
Simon said: "I stopped seeing my family, I lost touch with my religion- and when I got married it ended in divorce due to gambling".
It all ended with a police record for stealing. When Simon went to stay with his parents in Oxford he stole from them.
Simon continued: "My dad could not leave the house unless I had left first. "I would steal his money. In the end I got his bankers card and took £1500 from his account".
Children at risk?
Britain is the only developed country that allows children to gamble and Jonathan Lomax from the Salvation Army wants this to change.
Mr Lomax said: "Currently children of any ages can win up to £5.
"It is time to say children and gambling do not mix. Let us take children away from fruit machines".
So how would this affect the piers by the seafront?
Rod Brennar owns Weston Pier and defends the fact children of any age can play on the machines.
Mr Brennar said: "Surely it is better for children to learn about gambling in a safe environment with their parents rather than discovering it on their own".
The government has no plans to strip the seaside of its slot machines. But they are holding firm on the Bill's main proposals. This is not good news for Simon Rash who has not placed a bet for four years. But will it make it harder for people like Simon to stay that way?
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Response to Mario Panayi, infidelity
Many people in the lecture said they never would cheat on their partner. One person had said that according to the bible lustful thoughts was no different to actually committing the act and therefore everyone was guilty of cheating. Yes I agree that if an individual has lustful thoughts about some one it is adultery, because they have performed the very act in their mind. If you found out that your partner was having lustful thoughts about another person, how would you feel? hurt I would imagine.
I have a boyfriend and I am really faithful to him, lustful thoughts do enter into my mind but I just dismiss them, I don't Indulge in them. Sometimes my friends say to me `` that guy looks fit.`` I always say that I am not really interested because I am happy with my boyfriend
Monday, 30 April 2007
Gambling, Manchester wins super-casino race

Manchester's bid organisers said it would regenerate a poor area in the east of the city, promising a £265m investment and 2,700 direct and indirect jobs.
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Response to Mario Panayi, Bad Comedians
I was a victim of racist bullying when at high school, back then I cryed about it a lot. Many times I thought about how I could change my skin colour to white. Now that I am oldder and more Mature, when people make racist jokes or comments I just egnore them because they are looking for a reaction. They want me to feel hurt but I don't give them the satisfaction by not reacting.
I have two youger sister who are 10 and 7 , I try to teach them the same principle about racit bullying.
All nationality has fair share of good and not so good people, but that is life and PLAIN FACT. Individuals cannot comment that one nationality is more superior or better than another nationality....God sees our heart and not our outward appearance nor looks, or status , so let us learn each day, each of us are special in our own ways, be more tolerant to others and learn from mistakes, as we can look backward in order to live forward and be compassionate and kind.
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Bad Comedians
Feb. 10, 2006 In Shawn Levy's gaspingly unfunny "The Pink Panther",not a remake of the Blake Edwards original, but a version of some vague idea of the original.Steve Martin may play Inspector Clouseau, but at least he's smart enough to know that he can't play Peter Sellers. In the movie's production notes, Martin says, "I bent it a little bit because I am a different person. When I looked at those movies, I understood that Peter Sellers could ad-lib all day within the context of the character." Martin knew he had to reinvent the role, which he did mostly by devising an identifiably Martinesque faux-French accent that sounds like a speech impediment.
Martin's Clouseau is a performance draped precariously on a thumbtack of a gimmick. "
The Pink Panther" is lousy for many reasons: For one thing, its rhythms wobble and weave drunkenly, and even the potentially funny jokes hang in the stratosphere, twinkling dimly with far too much space around them, before crashing to earth. But because "The Pink Panther" is a star vehicle, Martin has to bear most of the blame.
"The Pink Panther" cements the idea that, no matter how much faith we place in our favorite comedians, their presence alone is never enough to guarantee laughs. Brooks' and Martin's recent failures carry a particularly potent sting: How can comedians we've come to trust so much let us down so hard?
It's tempting to go easier on comedians than we do on other performers, because the mechanism of what makes a person funny is so frighteningly precarious. For better or worse, building a comedy career is like building a brand. We know Steve Martin has made us laugh in the past: "L.A. Story" and "The Jerk" do seem like ancient history in light of recent check-cashing exercises like the "Cheaper by the Dozen" franchise, or vehicles designed to lend Martin the aura of classiness he seems to crave so desperately, like the recent (and rather creepy) film version of his novel, ``shopgirl.``
But even though Martin has tried a range of roles over the course of his career (and has been terrific in some of the more serious ones, like Herbert Ross' desperately beautiful 1981 "Pennies from Heaven"), we still -- naively, maybe -- want to believe that his presence in a comedy is a stamp of quality, or at least just a promise of it.
It's hard to know how comedies like "The Pink Panther" are conceived, but my guess is that some guys were sitting around in a room one day and said, "Hey -- let's have Steve Martin play Inspector Clouseau!" And there, any serious dialogue ended, even before it began. A rudimentary plotline (if you can even call the mechanics of "The Pink Panther" a plot) was sketched out: Kevin Kline plays an officious, ambitious French bureaucrat; Beyoncé Knowles is the pop-star girlfriend of a murdered soccer coach, played (too briefly) by Jason Statham. All Martin has to do is show up and be funny.
Friday, 27 April 2007
Being Too Religious
Most religion are split into rival groupings for example Hinduism and Buddhism, whose members do not accept certain of the beliefs and practices of the others. Conflict between groups within the same religion Catholic and Protestant Christians, Sunni and Shi`ite Muslims, orthodox and liberal Jews is a recurring feature of world religions,
Religion involves a belief in the supernatural- a belief in a being or force, such as a god, with powers above and beyond those of the natural world and beyond scientific or everyday explanation.
Education and science are supplementing religion as the dominant influence on our values. Studies indicate that a high percentage of college students trust information received from educational and scientific sources more than information provided by religious ones. As more and more people go to college, it is likely that the influence of religion values will continue to decline in the general population.
Being too Religious
UK£250m millennium lottery 'a travesty'
A Church of England bishop appealed to "Christians and people of all faiths across the nation" to lobby ministers and MPs against plans to hold a special millennium lottery.
The Right Reverend Roger Sainsbury, Bishop of Barking in east London, said the draw would be a "travesty".
He continued: "What a distraction it would be on the eve of the new millennium for the nation to be holding its breath to see who will win the super draw on the National Lottery, rather than worshipping Jesus who revealed in his life and teaching the God of justice, who was good news to the poor."
Dr Sainsbury mounted his campaign in a letter to the latest issue of the Church of England Newspaper.
He said his heart sank when he read that National Lottery organiser Camelot may be planning to celebrate the new millennium with a £250m super-draw.
"Political commentators and well-respected journals told us at the time of the launch of the National Lottery that lotteries were a sure way of transferring wealth from the poor to the rich.
"What a travesty it would be if we celebrate the millennium not by encouraging a new start for the world's poor - including those in our own urban and rural areas - but by making the poor still poorer," he said.
Dr Sainsbury added: "I therefore hope Christians and people of all faiths across the nation will openly oppose Camelot's plans by lobbying government ministers and their local MPs so our millennium celebrations nationally and locally will not be spoilt."
Thursday, 26 April 2007

No it’s not prostitution to take money from some one who is expecting sex. It does not matter if men are expecting sex and they don’t receive it, so what? We all expect thing in life, but we don’t all receive what we expect. Women have the right to refuse and reject advances and it doesn’t matter what game they are playing.
If it isn’t prostitution then is it more or less socially respectable? no its not socially respectable, most people would think its wrong. It is understandable if women change their mind though.
If it is prostitution, then how much is a reasonable charge? I can say that not just the physical damage but the emotional and spiritual damage caused by prostitution is tremendous and it never goes away. Prostitution is serial rape of women's bodies. 3000 thousand an hour, is a little bit reasonable.
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Does Adultery Fulfill Needs That A Marriage Cannot?
“1. Lessening the feeling that marriage is preventing the partners from living a full life;
2. Removing the need to participate in sexual relations within the marriage when desire is absent;
3. Increasing the vitality and warmth of the adulterer;
4. Motivating the spouse to become more attractive;
5. Providing diversion;
6. Allowing opportunity for discovering one’s sexuality; “ Duberman (1977, p 66)
Many t.v programmes like Sexcetra look at different types of sexual behaviors around the world; portraying certain people`s needs sexual inclinations and beliefs. This programme shows married couples traveling to America visiting various clubs. The swinger`s club held a party called ``the life style convention``. Every individual swapped partners with other married couples. When they were asked by the t.v presenter how they felt about their partner having sex with another person they expressed the view that it did not pose any threat to their relationship. However, a lot of people stated they would feel threatened if their partners became emotionally attached to another individual. Many women said,"sex is sex and love is love and the two should not be mixed, the two should be separated.” The women also stated that they were uncomfortable at first, but now they’re ok with it, and they have named the occasion as `sport fucking`, which is fun and exciting. They also added that both partners had to consent to swinging and have a strong relationship.
It seems most individuals try and want to find their perfect partner but due to the stresses of living, expectations of living together and the fact that people perhaps don’t put up with adversity and empty `shell marriages` any more, we opt out and find an easier way of fulfilling sexual and emotional needs. Western society gives the impression that it is monogamous but at the same time they are tempted to cheat but also they are not so readily available to accept a polygamous society, because we are socialized to be possessive and jealous.
BEN-ZE`EV, A. (2004) Love Online Emotions on the Internet. , Cambridge
University Press
Duberman, L.(1977) Marriage and other alternatives 2nd ed., Praeger publishers.
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Being Too Religious?

At school she said: "I will respect both French law and Muslim law by taking off what I have on my head and not showing my hair."
As the law was introduced in September, schools were told not to automatically exclude pupils who arrived wearing headscarves, but to try and avert a showdown through dialogue.
She told journalists waiting outside: "I respect the law but the law doesn't respect me."
Her mother said Cennet had tried everything "a beret, a bandana - but they still refused to let her into class". "She has been traumatised since the start of term. But all she wanted to do was go to school like everyone else," she told French news agency AFP.
Monday, 23 April 2007
End of the Road
The topics that i would like to see included in the moduel is mass media.
I dont think it would have been better to have Small group discussions because people don't stop talking, when asked to by the teacher. A lot of the time it was difficult to hear what the teacher was saying. Also people kept walking out of the class when the teacher was talking, which is not very good, the worst time was when we had the class about religion.
I dont know if I am planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't’t Be Allowed’ at level 2; maybe because the being bad moduel was interesting and fun.
Would I would recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? yes because i really enjoyed it
I have learn about religion, smoke being surductive, different types of body modification and many more.
Sunday, 22 April 2007
I thought that Masturbation isn`t ``real sex`` and only losers masturbate.`` According to some sexuality experts people who masturbate tend to function better sexually when with a partner since they know their own body and have fulfilled sexual expressions.
personaly I dont have any memories about self- pleasuring, Masturbation is one sexual activity that does not interrest me very much. I have never shared masturbation with a partner however maybe I would use this as four- play in the future.
I have never experimented with any sexual toys, i just never thought about it.
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Body Modification
Michael Jackson`s skin color was a medium- brown color for the entire duration of his youth, his skin has lightened gradually since 1982, becoming lightly taned. And today his skin color is white, it is not clear how much make-up affects his appearance. Michael has attributed his changing skin color to vitiligo, a skin condition in which the body develops antibodies against its own melanocytes, skin cell that produce melanin, a body pigment, resulting in light patches and loss of pigment.
Michael has had multiple plastic surgery procedures to modify his appearance, he claims to have three operations. Michael also said that his face had ``squared out`` in adolescence, and that he had never done anything to change it. `` I have had no plastic surgery on my face- just my nose,`` he said.


I think that tattoos have become trendy I see people all the time with Japanese symbol and barbed wire tattoos. If you are going to get a tattoo it shouldn`t just be something trendy that you think looks ``cool`` at the time. Society`s idea about what look cool changes as our lives progress. I believe that tattoos should mean something to you personally because you are going to live with them for the rest of your life.
Even though tattoos are far more mainstream that before, they haven`t lost the ability to help individuals define who they are, artistically. Tattoos are not a bad thing if you get them for the right reasons.
There are people in the world that like to show their attitude without saying a word since each and every tattoo has a story or a meaning behind it. A tattoo can be a deep window to the soul and it can also be a work of art.
I have thought about getting a tattoos but I don’t think it’s really necessary I would be following a trend.
Friday, 20 April 2007
The Keys to Successful Lying
· A bad liar is just embarrassing, whereas a good liar can be quite entertaining (particularly when you are in the know about the truth).
· The best lies are usually incredibly simple or terribly complex.
· Maintain eye contact.
· Pause before you lie, but not for too long; an immediate lie sounds planned, and a lengthy wait indicates you are making it up.
· Give one lie to explain a situation, and stick to it. If it becomes necessary to change the lie, make a new one which is more embarrassing (this will be more plausible because it explains why you lied the first time).
· Lie occasionally about inconsequential things, just for the practice.

Thursday, 19 April 2007
Tobacco companies make sure that they know exactly why people smoke;
They clearly market product to attract new customers
Why do people use cigarettes?
- Smoking can improve learning and memory and help one say alert
- For some people smoking helps them control their weight
- It can help someone have more energy and feel more relaxed
- Smoking may help reduce stress, and anger and anxiety or nerves
- Somking helps one deal with depression
- a cigarette reduces boredom, it seems to make time pass more rapidly. That is why waiting times almost automatically stimulate the desire to smoke.
Smoking is an oral pleasure, an experience which is just as fundamental as sex.
I believe that smoking causes cancer but this doesn’t mean that all smokers will definitely get cancer or that all non-smokers won’t. it means that smoking greatly increases the risk of cancer. Our risks of caner depends on a combination of our genes, our lifestyle choices and our environment. No single action will completely guarantee you against canner. Avoiding smoking is the best thing to do