Friday 20 April 2007


Lying, If every truth be know there would be no peace
Few things in life have the potential of being as useful or as dangerous as lying. Simply defined, lying is not telling the truth, but it is so much more. After all, if we symbolize the truth with the letter 'A', we could symbolize a lie not only as 'Z', but also 'B', 'C' and 'Q', among others. This is all, of course, assuming that we can define truth at all. Lying should also be differentiated from tact; lying is about truth, not opinions.
The Keys to Successful Lying

There are two points to keep in mind when one is attempting to lie:
· A bad liar is just embarrassing, whereas a good liar can be quite entertaining (particularly when you are in the know about the truth).
· The best lies are usually incredibly simple or terribly complex.

Simple lies are easiest to get away with; stick close to the truth and don't embellish or create detail that might be forgotten. Too much detail, especially when it is offered without being asked, reveals too much thought on the liar's part. The terribly complex lies are more entertaining, and often work because the victim can't believe the liar would put so much effort into a lie or make it so bizarre.

In order to complete a lie successfully:
· Maintain eye contact.
· Pause before you lie, but not for too long; an immediate lie sounds planned, and a lengthy wait indicates you are making it up.
· Give one lie to explain a situation, and stick to it. If it becomes necessary to change the lie, make a new one which is more embarrassing (this will be more plausible because it explains why you lied the first time).
· Lie occasionally about inconsequential things, just for the practice.

Lying and morals

Why do people lie? Is it better to lie than to be honest? I think everyone lies, but everyones definition of where to draw the line is the biggest variation. For instants most people would lie if a good friend asked if they are fat, because they wouldn't want to hurt there feelings, this is generally called a white lie. But if the good friend asked the question because they wanted the truth because of an insecurity and needed some support in how to deal with it, would or should they then question their friendship? The problem with lying is knowing the reasons or morals for lying in the first place. Morals and the feeling that go with them are, in my opinion, the key factor in where the 'line' is drawn. The bigger the lie your willing to tell the less conscience you must have. I wish no one could lie, that way everyone would know were they stand! Does anyone have a comment on this?-without lying!

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