Thursday 19 April 2007


Tobacco companies make sure that they know exactly why people smoke;
They clearly market product to attract new customers

Why do people use cigarettes?

  • Smoking can improve learning and memory and help one say alert

  • For some people smoking helps them control their weight

  • It can help someone have more energy and feel more relaxed

  • Smoking may help reduce stress, and anger and anxiety or nerves

  • Somking helps one deal with depression

  • a cigarette reduces boredom, it seems to make time pass more rapidly. That is why waiting times almost automatically stimulate the desire to smoke.

Smoking is an oral pleasure, an experience which is just as fundamental as sex.
I believe that smoking causes cancer but this doesn’t mean that all smokers will definitely get cancer or that all non-smokers won’t. it means that smoking greatly increases the risk of cancer. Our risks of caner depends on a combination of our genes, our lifestyle choices and our environment. No single action will completely guarantee you against canner. Avoiding smoking is the best thing to do

I don't understand why smoking is a big issue when people had been taught in school and at home to respect others.If smoking has been a way of life,non-smokers need to live normally,where air is nicotine-free.Smoking ban depends on the political will of leaders who are concerned in public health.This may lessen medical expenses.It can help the government in providing health services other than illnesses caused by smoking.Smoking is a choice.No one can dictate to a smoker to stop the vice because cessation is difficult.What non-smokers are asking is a little consideration.Smokers may continue doing their own thing but in the right place,please.British people may try the ban.Why not?It's been proven successful in many countries.

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